What kind of fap does Fapello offer? That’s honestly the main question I pose when it comes to any porn site, and I imagine you’re the same. After all, one man’s sack of garbage is another man’s stack of sperm-covered nudie mags. This is 2024, though, so unless you’re too old to understand the internet, you probably don’t even own a single old-time skin rag. No, modern times call for modern pornography, in which case you’ve come to the right place.
The era of social distancing has changed the internet porn landscape in an unprecedented way, putting homemade selfie models in the same category as the big-name pornstars of just a few years earlier. Fapello.com is riding that trend, offering up free social media porn of beautiful internet amateurs. Their traffic graph is a fucking porn webmaster success story, going from nothing to 25 million visitors a month since the beginning of 2025. (Head to PornWebmasters.com if you want some of my own tips for your own success story.) I’m writing this at the beginning of April, so chances are that number will be even higher by the time you read this. Naturally, if they’d caught the attention of this many perverts, I knew I needed to take a test fap for myself. I am top-porn.info, after all.
Just a couple years ago, I expected nearly every free porn site coming through my DMs to be another free tube. Honestly, I still have new tube entrepreneurs hitting me up for writeups damn-near constantly, but Fapello doesn’t fit the usual tube mold you expect from a free adult website. Instead of that wall of video thumbnails you’d find on one of those video-sharing hubs, Fapello rolls with more of a social media style, much like the sites it emulates. The front page is a long scroll of topless selfies, booty flashes, dirty cosplay, and other X-rated OnlyFans tomfoolery.